Syndicated Property Investment

Smith Price RRG offers private investors the opportunity for investment in UK commercial property through tax efficient property syndication. This opportunity is open to sophisticated and high net worth investors. It enables like-minded investors to gain entry into a market sector that has shown excellent returns and growth, at a relatively low capital outlay.

The Means

Properties are acquired utilising a nominee company and a Trust structure, which is both tax transparent and tax efficient, and suitable for a variety of investors.

Investment Strategy

Properties are sourced based on prime location, covenant and length of lease, targeting investment returns of between 6 – 10% per annum, excluding capital growth.

All syndicates will be open ended but with an anticipated lifespan of between 2 – 5 years, depending on the specific requirements of each syndicate.

Why Invest in our Syndicates?

There are compelling reasons for investors to pool resources and use the Trust based investment vehicle:

  • They are not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)
  • Low start up and running costs
  • Higher returns because of low costs
  • Suitable for a variety of investors including SIPP’s/SSAS’s
  • Tax transparent and participants taxed according to personal circumstances
  • Direct property interest acquired therefore a ‘tangible’ asset
  • Enables smaller investors to actively participate in larger and better properties
  • Enables investors to spread risk over several properties
  • Privacy – information not in the public domain

Why Invest in Property?

  • Disaffection with returns from other asset classes such as shares, unit trusts, deposit accounts, etc
  • Lack of trust in the financial markets and financial advisors
  • Direct property interest acquired therefore a ‘tangible’ asset
  • Property can offer a secure income return, and capital growth
  • Financing purchases enables income returns to be enhanced

The minimum individual investment is £50,000, with no upper limit, depending on the opportunities available.

What to do Next

If you are a qualifying High Net Worth Individual and would be interested to participate, please register your interest by contacting us.

Lindsman Properties - Investment Summary Winter 2018

Prospectus Update Summer 2019

What our clients say